Any Feedback?

Any Feedback? #vrQ5FojJ
Any Feedback? #r21v0CFE



[cancellato] I would say making tributes slightless less often so you have bigger loads :3
creaturound Turn down the brightness on your screen, and light the shot more brightl;y, ideally with a soft white. This will make your cum show up more white and opaque on camera. You don't need anything fancy; just look up some general set lighting techniques..
N7Tifa OP I'll definitely take these into consideration.
[cancellato] i always just try to not have cum be a dark shadow in tributes but prefere it to be brighter, also because it looks more realistic then. so if you tyr aroudn with ahving light orl ights shining almost from the side or sides, maybe you can get good
[cancellato] bright results without having reflections somewhere. if your ok with it how it is then ofc keep doing it ;) and yeah, also turn brigntness of screen down so taht it matches the brigtness of your cock. good tool for that is: "twinkle try", i use too.
[cancellato] you can get it for free at the "microsoft store". it then appears at bottom right near the clock and tehre you can adjust screen brigthness percent. taht is if you use a oc and windows.
[cancellato] besides that, all good, but you dont do many cock tributes, tyr taking cock above a sluts face or onyl ehr eyes, you will see hwo hot it is afterwards seing that picture ;)
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