"Ugly", but beautiful at the same time

"Ugly", but beautiful at the same time #4BqN1uaW
"Ugly", but beautiful at the same time #nOKMitAa
"Ugly", but beautiful at the same time #Dvkfcaue
"Ugly", but beautiful at the same time #XRauw9QA
"Ugly", but beautiful at the same time #0Cc0AnrL
"Ugly", but beautiful at the same time #4MSxb3LK
"Ugly", but beautiful at the same time #TRwdROtq
"Ugly", but beautiful at the same time #jGDwRMSo
"Ugly", but beautiful at the same time #43X7ZZ6g
"Ugly", but beautiful at the same time #EwMAXXYq


Mick_838 Opinions vary.. but ain’t non of these ugly.. to me
Eddie83 Wouldn't Say Ugly But Make-up Does Help Them
Fuckrico123 It’s crazy cause all these bitches probably are the ones that make me bust the most
SadieSnowbunny You're confusing beauty with sex appeal. It's a common mistake. A woman can be ugly but have sex appeal. A woman can be beautiful and have no sex appeal. Women's confidence affects their attractiveness, just like men's. Only men don't know this fact.
littledeath03 OP I personally don't think any of them are ugly. I wrote "ugly" in quotes to suggest that they may be considered that by "conventional beauty standards", while I acknowledge that but still find them attractive.
LoveAtlas Most bitches don't look as good as they think, but some are attractive because they love to fuck , a gorgeous woman that is shit in bed isn't as sexy as one that is mid but fucks like her life depends on it
Kelevra88 @littledeath03 you could have said "Unique"
Mido_o Porn comments are interesting, a dude can call some of these mfs ugly but irl he looks like he snuck onto earth
WorfLaFlare Calling Emily and Emma ugly is wild 😂
LoveAtlas Dudes having no standards and thinking every cocksleeve is hot is asinine
icequeen420 first one is decent but on god her vag is so fucking ugly. wouldn't be so bad if she got them lips trimmed.
DemiVille Anyone who finds them actually objectively hot is just so porn addicted that his brain is addled. They only appear hot because you see them naked getting fucked in the scenarios that are appealing to the consumer.
labelmeaperv arabelle so fine to me
BohemainPineapple Emily Willis? Ugly? Arabelle? Gianna Dior? If this is click bait, congrats cause thats crazy
PhilBallins @DemiVille 100% right
GreatVideos OP.... what a strange title.
BeardedSack31 I do find it wild she got that cat to pose with her like its a family picture
InnerGuts Arabelle looked beeter with her natural nose. Just my opinion
Kelevra88 Arabelle, violet, gianna, emma...ugly? This man is wildin
GreatVideos ^ I agree. Arabelle isn't ugly. Shes just a jew
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